速報APP / 工具 / Dollar Digits

Dollar Digits



檔案大小:96.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Dollar Digits(圖1)-速報App

Dollar Digits burner numbers are no-contract second phone numbers for business owners, employees who work with client communication as well as for everyday users. Dollar Digits offers a backup second phone number that keeps your personal or business number safe.

Dating or business, Dollar Digits is perfect to help protect your privacy. App notifications can be turned off so you won't be disturbed, calls can go to voicemail or you can forward calls to your real number with just a quick change in settings.

To get your temporary phone number download the second phone number app. Select Dollar Digits from the app store, select an area code and the type of service you want to get your second temporary phone number without contacting your carrier or needing additional contracts.

Dollar Digits(圖2)-速報App

To maintain your back-up anonymous phone number, select the package that works best for you. You can choose your fake phone number for $1.99 per month or select additional packages with more features starting at $2.99 per month. Packages can offer you more texting and calling options.

Why Dollar Digits?

Dollar Digits is a lightweight temporary phone number app you can easily install. Dollar Digits number allows users to text, send images and make calls discretely. With an inconspicuous app icon, our app will blend in on your iPhone. Your Dollar Digit temporary phone number can offer you safety and security that a traditional calling app may not.

Dollar Digits(圖3)-速報App

Dollar Digits allows users to call an Uber without the fear of giving out a number to a stranger. This substitute phone number can be continued or deleted immediately after use. The applications of a second anonymous phone number include using it for dating websites, social media, UBER, LYFT, AIRBNB. Some businesses owners choose Dollar Digits for their clients to keep their professional life from interfering with their personal life.

Dollar Digits fake phone numbers include voicemail as well as call forwarding. You can send texts, pictures, and make calls from the anonymous phone number. Additional third and fourth phone numbers can also be added. Just go back to the Dollar Digits phone number app and select another temporary phone number and service package.

That’s All!

Dollar Digits(圖4)-速報App

Once you have downloaded the app, selected your fake phone number, and your service package you are all done. Go ahead and set up the voicemail or try texting a friend with your new anonymous phone number. Explore the safety and security a second phone number affords you. Separate work life from personal life, your public information from your private, and never worry about a stranger getting a hold of your personal phone number. Your private phone number is yours for the taking. If you have any questions or further inquiries about your fake phone number, visit dollardigits.com or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr.

Dollar Digits Burner numbers are no-contract second phone numbers for business owners, or just for people who are looking for a second line on their phone, Just download Dollar Digits app, select an area code, and done! You have a second temporary phone number without big carrier rates or commitments.

Dollar Digits(圖5)-速報App
